The Brain-Child Learning (BCL) is a mind development workshop targeted at children between 6 to 14 years of age.This revolutionary coursework is the result of intensive research into human brain and its potential. As we have known, our mind operates in the realm of two brain hemispheres, the analytical left and the creative right hemisphere. In the past fifteen years research on the brain has exploded as new techniques allow scientist to probe areas of human brain and its thinking pattern. The left hemisphere is described as analytical because it operates in linear and sequential pattern by moving from one point to another in a step-by-step manner. It is most efficient in processing verbal information.
The right hemisphere is the creative section where it seeks and constructs patterns and recognises relationship between separate parts. It does not move linearly but processes simultaneously. It is most efficient at visual and spatial processing where language plays little or no part in its functioning.
Most people in modern world operate as left-brain people due to the education system in school which focus on left brain training…
On the contrary, right-brain people are dreamers who are led by intuition and creativity. Right brainers think deeply and may have high level of intelligence.
Right brainers make great students of arts and social science. Besides being more spontaneous than the conservative left-brainers, right brainers are intuitive and prefer to follow their own gut feelings when it comes to decision making.

The right hemisphere is the creative section where it seeks and constructs patterns and recognises relationship between separate parts. It does not move linearly but processes simultaneously. It is most efficient at visual and spatial processing where language plays little or no part in its functioning.
Left Brain Functions
- uses logic
- detailed orientation
- facts rule
- words & language
- past & present
- math & science
- can comprehend
- knowing (facts)
- acknowledges
- order & pattern pe
- rception
- knows object name
- reality based
- forms strategies
- practical
- conservative (cautious
Right Brain Functions
- uses feeling
- ‘big picture’ oriented
- imagination rules
- symbols & image
- present & future
- philosophy & religion
- can ‘get it !’ (i.e. meaning
- believes (intuition
- appreciates
- spatial perception
- knows object function
- fantasy based
- presents possibilities
- impetuous (impulsive)
- risk taking (gut feeling)
Most people in modern world operate as left-brain people due to the education system in school which focus on left brain training…
On the contrary, right-brain people are dreamers who are led by intuition and creativity. Right brainers think deeply and may have high level of intelligence.
Right brainers make great students of arts and social science. Besides being more spontaneous than the conservative left-brainers, right brainers are intuitive and prefer to follow their own gut feelings when it comes to decision making.