10 things your resume shouldn't have

As a Certified Professional Résumé Writer, over the years I have come across many tacky résumé tricks that candidates use in a misguided effort to stand out. Most recruiters are on to these gimmicks. When you use these tricks, you may appear desperate, or worse yet, dishonest. Avoid them because they do not work and are bound to fail.

1- The Extensive Vocabulary Gimmick
Using big words and lengthy sentences will not help you sound important, especially if they are used incorrectly. Don't hide behind your vocabulary. Your résumé should be an easy read. When your résumé is not concise and direct, the reader gets uncomfortable. Use common words and clear sentences to put the focus on your background and abilities. Make sure to include effective keywords and phrases that you know the reader will be looking for, but stay away from industry-specific buzzwords that may get lost on your recruiter

2- The Case of the Missing Employment Dates
Eliminating your dates of employment to disguise career gaps will not work. Recruiters know that missing dates can only mean one of two things, either you are trying to hide a poor career history or you are just plain careless. Always include employment dates to pass the detailed résumé review. To extend the longevity of your résumé and minimize gaps, consider listing the year only, instead of month and year.

3- Hiding Behind a Functional Résumé
The functional, or ‘skills based’ résumé is designed so that your skills and relevant accomplishments are separated from your employment list and placed up-front. Many job seekers trying to minimize career issues such as gaps in employment use the functional format. If you use this technique, you can be sure a perceptive recruiter will go directly to your career history to try to find what you are hiding. In addition, these résumés tend to be disliked by many recruiters because it is difficult to connect where you did what you did. Avoid the functional format if you can. Whenever possible, use a reverse chronological format to keep your responsibilities and accomplishments under their respective job titles. If you must, use a combination of functional and reverse chronological that will strategically minimize your obstacles and meet your prospective employer’s needs.

4- Cutting and Pasting Job Requirements from the Posting
On the surface, copying directly from a posting may sound like a great idea. You’ll have some of the keywords that your prospective employer is looking for. The problem with copying the content word for word is that you may be telegraphing a lack of ideas and initiative. You may be saying “I am not able to write a creative sentence on my own, so I’ll just cut and paste your wording.” Try crafting original wording using keywords and phrases that your employer will be looking for so that your résumé can stand out from the stack.

5- Copying From Your Job Description
This sounds like a quick and easy way to get all your duties on the résumé. Great idea, if you are trying to create a job description. Your résumé should be a marketing document that focuses on your achievements, rather than your job duties. If an employer is posting a job, they already know the basic duties. Your résumé should highlight the best of the best. Make it accomplishment rich to show what distinguishes you from the rest of the candidates.

6- Copying Someone Else’s Résumé
Now that’s a simple plan. It is also plagiarism. Your résumé is a strategic marketing document. In a job search scenario, every person has something different to offer. Create your own professional brand. You are an individual with personal accomplishments that the recruiter should know. You may also have some career issues to minimize. Put on your prospective employer’s hat and strategically design your résumé to show that what you have to offer is what they need to buy.

7- The Fancy Paper Trick
A résumé printed on fluorescent pink or bright blue paper is guaranteed to stand out long enough to be dumped in the trash. This strategy was outdated years ago and for good reason. Intense colours are not suitable for a professional business document. Select a high-quality paper in brilliant white, watermarked, or off-white résumé stock.

8- The Mass E-Mail Ploy
Job search is a numbers game. This can be true, but broadcasting your résumé by e-mail to multiple recipients at the same time will not work. Often messages received this way are treated as Spam and deleted before they are ever read. It is best to send your résumé individually with a personalized cover letter to the appropriate person involved in the hiring process. Study the company and in your letter, show that you are well informed, and a good bet for the job.

9- Indiscriminately Applying to Job Postings
Haphazardly applying to various positions may appear to open up more options, but this strategy could hurt you in the long run. If you do not have the appropriate qualifications, don’t even bother applying for the job. You will only look desperate. On top of this, if the right position comes up, you may not be considered. Make sure to focus your search on suitable positions where you are a good fit. One well-written, targeted cover letter and résumé is worth hundreds of résumés indiscriminately shipped out.

10- The Big Lie
It is alarming how many people “creatively embellish” their résumés. Dishonest candidates may falsify their job title, responsibilities, dates, academic credentials, and even their grade point average. Most reputable organizations do background checks and yes, they do request your transcript. The higher the position, the more rigorous the screening process is. One white lie can destroy your chances. Even if you are not caught, when you live a lie, you are forever looking over your shoulder. It’s a small world and you will eventually get found out. Always be completely ethical and honest in all your dealings, written and verbal. With integrity, you will earn genuine credibility, trust, and respect.

A well-thought out approach, based on sound résumé writing principles will generate interviews. If you can avoid some of these tacky tricks, you will be well on your way to producing results. If you are unable to design an outstanding strategic résumé, hire a good résumé writer. It is money well spent. A professional résumé writer is an objective third party with the expertise to overcome your obstacles and make you shine!