The '9-9-9' rule to make you rich

As proposed by Forbes magazine, the rule of 9-9-9 can be used by people in US to increase wealth. True, it is written keeping the people of America in mind, but if tweaked a bit, it is something that each of us can adopt in our lives.

How does it work?

Well it works in 3 steps. It helps to reduce your personal debt burden, reduces spending and increasing your saving. In short, it is the recipe of becoming richer.

Let's take a look at the 3 steps involved.

Step 1: Pay off all debts that have an interest rate of 9% or more.

You may read this and go "Ha! With the increasing interest rates ALL the debts would fall in this category". Well that is actually true. So we are going to tweak this rule a bit. Pay off all debt that has an interest rate higher than what you can earn by investing in a relatively risk-free investment (like FD, PF, etc). We are referring to the returns on the investment which is what you earn by holding on to the investment over a period of time.

The way this works is that suppose a relatively risk free investment gives you 12% returns (note we are talking of returns not the face value interest rate). And you have a loan on which you pay 11% interest. So it would be better for you to invest your money in the investment and use the interest income received to pay off the interest on the loan. Any loan that has a higher interest rate deserves to be paid back. Otherwise the interest liability just keeps on growing and your debt burden goes up over time (using compounding power of money).

So once you have identified the loans that need to be paid off first, the next question is how much money should you put aside to pay off such loans? This is where steps 2 and 3 come in.

Step 2: Have at least 9 months of necessary expenses in savings

Everyone has their monthly expenses. This includes basics like food, travel, clothing, housing, etc. Excluding expenses on luxury, it would be a good idea to work out how much you need each month. At any point of time, it is necessary to put at least 9 months of necessary expenses in savings. These should ideally be completely risk free and easy to get. A savings bank account or a fixed deposit are usually good places to park these savings.

But here one may ask, with expenses going up almost daily, how does one set aside this huge quantum of savings? 

Well the idea is no different from what economists and experts prescribe for the countries. You have to adopt austerity measures. Prioritize your expenses and cut back on anything and everything that you may regard as unnecessary and wasteful. True it would mean that you like in a frugal manner for sometime but at the end if you are able to build up more funds, then the whole process is totally worth it. Initially it may seem difficult but saving at least 2 -3 months of expenses is doable to start with. As you move higher in life and continue following these rules in a disciplined manner, even the 9 months' savings become achievable.

Step 3: Save 9% of your income each year for retirement

So once you are done with saving up to meet your expenses, you should be saving at least 9% of your total annual income for retirement. Again, this looks like a low savings rate for us Indians. But this is the bare minimum that one should try to achieve. These funds should ideally be parked in long term investment options depending on your risk taking appetite. And these should be kept for a long period of time. Imagine the kind of funds you would have at the end of 10 years or 15 or even 20. The power of compounding comes in and the funds multiply over the time period.

The balance that is left over is used to pay off your debt burden, which you have sorted out on the basis of the interest rates.

Following these steps may seem difficult. But followed diligently and with discipline, it does become possible. And with these steps, you would soon be debt free and have sustained savings. This in turn can compound over time leading to larger wealth for you.

How is It Possible - 12 or 13

12 or 13?



This will drive you crazy!



SC Judgment: Right for Medical Treatment During Emergency

Its the duty of the hospitals or a medical practitioner to take care of the person who has met with an accident or any other form of injury.

Hospitals or medical practitioner are obliged to treat the patient and are not supposed to reject claiming that this could be a legal issue on their part.

This pro people ruling was supported by the judgment of The Supreme Court of India as long back as 1989 observed in Parmanand Katara v. Union of India (AIR 1989 SC 2039, judgment dated 28 Aug 1989) that when accidents occur and the victims are taken to hospitals or to a medical practitioner, they are not taken care of for giving emergency medical treatment on the ground that the case is a medico-legal case and the injured person should go to a Government Hospital. The Supreme Court emphasized the need for making it obligatory for hospitals and medical practitioners to provide emergency medical care. This is not the only reason for not attending on injured persons or persons in a medical emergency, for sometimes such persons are turned out on the ground that they are not in a position to make payment immediately or that they have no insurance or that they are not members of any scheme which entitles them to medical reimbursement. The Supreme Court reiterated its views in Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samithi v. State of West Bengal, 1996 (4) SCC 37 and National Consumer Redressal Commission has also decided in like manner in Pravat Kumar Mukerjee v. Ruby General Hospital (25.4.2005).

Read the full judgment
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Amazing Magic Image

Stare at the red dot on the girl’s nose for 30 seconds
Turn your eyes towards the wall/roof or somewhere else on a white plane surface
Keep blinking your eyes
Tell me what you see!

A Go Green Initiative Of Indian Railway

In a move that will increase convenience for passengers and also help save paper, Indian Railways will now accept screenshots of e-tickets instead of a paper printout.

Called the Virtual Reservation Message (VRM), a digital reproduction of the e-ticket can be shown to the ticket examiner on a laptop or mobile screen. This means that passengers will no longer have to bother about carrying along a paper ticket if they have the ticket saved on a mobile device.

VRMs will be treated at a par with Electronic Reservation Slips (printouts of e-tickets), while travelling on Indian Railways. Passengers travelling using VRMs will have to carry along one of the eight prescribed identity proofs in original.

Reference : Railway Board Letter No.2008/TG-I/10/P/SMS dated 20.07.2011